Gatineau, Québec
"Dali meets Gaudi"
I have worked with the art teacher of Symmes Junior High on several murals. It is always a great pleasure working with such motivated and well prepared students. She always chooses exciting and challenging themes that inspire me, in this case "Dali meets Gaudi.
I have been to Spain many times and am familiar with the work of both artists, nevertheless I have to confess I was a bit nervous with the task of providing a framework where drawings made by the students would be placed. The first series of drawings that appear in the video were made by me in a attempt to marry both styles and imageries into one. Later on, when I was drawing on the wall, I finally let go and surrendered to a more spontaneous way of drawing, collaborating with the art teacher who would show me images and discuss the possibilities of using them.
The students had been very well prepared for this project. They had studied both artists and been able to absorb their influences. Combined with their own interpretations of what Dali or Gaudi is about, they were able to accomplish something of great personal relevance. I'm proud of them for that!!
I have put together a video that gives an idea of the experience.
Marcio Melo