Souvenir Elementary School

Laval, Québec

"Peace by Peace We Succeed"

On March 30, 31, April 01 I worked on a mural project in Souvenir Elementary school in Chomedy / Laval.

The mural was done on a beautiful, bright white staircase and the theme chosen was “Peace by Peace We Succeed”.

The students came up with images that reflected some of the values emphasized in the school such as positive environment implying respect, responsibility and readiness. There are many drawings displaying the importance of sharing and interacting with nature and our fellow human beings.

In the background drawing for this mural I also included a vast number of varied peace signs all along the bottom of the steps, which complements the message, “Peace by Peace We Succeed”.

The students suggested the theme song “Forever” for the mural and came up with some very cool steps .

I’m very pleased with the result and I hope you enjoy the video.

Marcio Melo